Increasing The Efficiency Of Detailed Soil Resource Mapping On Transitional Volcanic Landforms Using A Geomorphometric Approach


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For developing countries, detailed soil resource data and maps are essential in land-use planning. Unfortunately, obtaining detailed soil data for mapping is expensive. Detailed soil studies and mapping in developing countries often use the grid method. In addition to being time-consuming, the grid method needs a lot of sample points and surveyors. Geomorphometry can be a less expensive alternative for detailed soil mapping. Geomorphometry uses computationally measured terrain characteristics to describe other hard-to-measure terrain and soil properties. In our study, landform arrangements and slopes were analyzed together to create a map of soil pH. Bompon watershed, Indonesia, was used as a case study. Soil mapping units with potentially similar soil pH were created based on a classification system of the two geomorphometric parameters. Soil samples were taken from each of the units. The samples' soil pH was measured and compared to the geomorphometric predicted result. Regression tests were performed to see the significance of geomorphometric parameters on soil pH conditions. Regression tests show that the results of p value of the four soil layers are 0.046, 0.019, 0.037, and 0.047, respectively, on a 5% confidence level. According to the test result, landform arrangements and slopes can indicate soil pH conditions in Bompon. Our estimate suggests that our geomorphometric method is cheaper than the grid method by a factor of seven. The ability to use geomorphometric parameters to describe other soil properties could enable a cheap and fast production of detailed soil maps for developing countries.
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