Water Quality Monitoring With Arduino Based Sensors


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Water is a quintessential element for the survival of mankind. Its variety of uses means that it is always in a constant state of demand. The supply of water most primarily comes from large reservoirs of water such as lakes, streams, and the ocean itself. As such, it is good practice to monitor its quality to ensure it is fit for human consumption. Current water quality monitoring is often carried out in traditional labs but is time consuming and prone to inaccuracies. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the feasibility of implementing an Arduino-based sensor system for water quality monitoring. A simple prototype consisting of a microcontroller and multiple attached sensors was employed to conduct weekly onsite tests at multiple daily intervals. It was found that the system works reliably but is reliant on human assistance and prone to data inaccuracies. The system however, provides a solid foundation for future expansion works of the same category to elevate the system to being Internet of Things (IoT) friendly.
arduino UNO R3 board, RELAND SUN pH sensor, ReYeBu turbidity sensor, OOTRTY brand total dissolved solids sensor
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