Effect Of Unaware Clock Manipulation On Pacing Strategy And Performance In Recreational Athletes


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Featured Application This is the first study to perform different analyses on runners in a closed-loop exercise to understand and clarify time manipulation on performance and pacing strategy in runners. Gaining knowledge of time manipulation relative to running environment is important for applied practitioners, particularly when attempting to understand pacing strategies and optimize performance. In this context, our study has reported that time manipulation might create different time perfections affecting performance and pacing strategy. For instance, applying time manipulation (modified chronometer) during training sessions could possibly convince athletes to train for longer periods than expected. In addition, the use of this manipulation could generate different time perceptions, in which athletes during time manipulation exercises would start to feel the exercise is "easier" or "harder" than expected. Thus, our study provided some indications on how time manipulation could be applied in training settings, showing different perspectives of the modified chronometer. Future research identifying the energy expenditure and analyzing the neuromuscular system in time manipulation methods will help to understand how fatigue could affect performance and pacing strategy in runners.It is unclear how athletes regulate their performance prior and during exercise when deceptive methods are applied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test if time manipulation can influence pacing strategy and running performance. Ten recreationally active subjects were informed they would complete four 60-min time trials only with time feedback. The first session was a familiarization trial (60-min), and in the following three sessions, the time feedback was modified: normal chronometer (NC-60 min.), 10% faster (Faster chronometer-FC-54 min.), and 10% slower (slower chronometer-SC-66 min.). Total distance was different between conditions, while average of total speed, Heart Rate, oxygen consumption, and Rate of Perceived Exertion were similar (p > 0.05). A slow start pacing strategy was adopted in all conditions and did not differ between conditions when averaged across the session; however, when analyzing the first and final 10 min of the session, differences were found between conditions. Finally, the observed time was an important determinant of the regulation of exercise intensity, because, although the pacing strategy adopted in all conditions was regulated according to previous exercise information, adjustments were made in the initial (NC) and final (FC) phases of the trials.
exercise deception, running strategy, pacing strategy, time manipulation, running performance
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