Unraveling the complex and dynamic Himalayan socio-ecological systems: a systematic review


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The fragile mountains of Himalaya are one of the most complex and heterogeneous mountain socio-ecological system (SES) due to its high diversity and intricate linkages of biophysical, sociocultural, and political aspects. An absence of substantial place-based knowledge and failed developmental initiatives due to absence of holistic approach in Himalaya has motivated to conduct a systematic review. In this study, we systematically review peer-reviewed literature focused on SESs ( n = 53) in the Himalayan countries (Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan). The review summarizes the existing knowledge of Himalayan SES scholarship. It documents the trends and distribution of Himalayan SESs and its scholarship. We examined the year-wise, spatial (geographical), and methodological trends in SES discourse. The review appraises the conceptualization of the term SES. Further, major drivers impacting the Himalayan SESs are identified and discussed. Our findings highlight that 87% of literature has attempted country-specific study, with Nepal and India in the lead. Such a spatial disparity compounded by the complexity arising from a dearth of inconsistent conceptualization, cross-scale interactions and geospatial exploration of Himalayan SESs mask the deeper realities of unique Himalayan SESs. Thus, we advocate for a comprehensive definition and characteristic attributes of SES while considering cross-scale interactions and inherent mountain specificities. The decisions that direct sustainable development of Himalaya are made locally, and these decisions are influenced by social and ecological values. Targeting locally perceived characteristics attributes of SES in decision-making can ensure sustainable future of Himalaya.
Himalaya,Social systems,Ecological systems,Socio-ecological systems,Systematic review (9281)
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