Multipotential Therapeutic Bioactive Compound : Panduratin A


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Panduratin A (PAN A) is a bioactive compound known for its multipotential health benefits. The compound is isolated from plants mainly like Boesenbergia pandurata (synonym is Boesenbergia rotunda and Kaempferia pandurata) etc.. The compound has been investigated to possess several therapeutic potentials. Research reveals that Panduratin A has antiviral, anticancer, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antiulcer and antioxidant activity. This novel bioactive compound is thus a strong medicinal compound and it can be further explored to find out its application and potency against other deadly diseases in man. Even derivatives of Panduratin A have been found to be potent pharmaceutical agents. Panduratin A is thus an effective ammunition of mankind to fight against various types of pathogenic attacks and metabolic diseases. As the structure of the compound is known, in silico exploration of various medicinal properties of the compound in a huge scale is possible which is followed by experimental confirmation in vivo and in vitro. The possible pathways of action of the compound against various pathological conditions in human is somewhat clear and further studies are in progress for better understanding of molecular mechanism of action of Panduratin A and its various details for wider pharmaceutical application of the compound as effective therapeutic drug formulation against different disease conditions.
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