Gamma-Quanta And Charged Particles Recognition By The Counting And Triggers Signals Formation System Of Gamma-400 Space Gamma-Telescope


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Registered events identification procedures details in three apertures of gamma telescope GAMMA-400 are discussed in the presented article for gammas, electrons/positrons and protons both in low and high energy bands Gamma-telescope GAMMA-400 consists of the converter-tracker (C) surrounded by anticoincidence system, time-of-flight system (2 sections S1 and S2) and calorimeter. Anticoincidence system will make of top and lateral sections - ACtop and AClat, time-of-flight system TOF contain 2 segments S1 and S2. Calorimeter consists of position-sensitive calorimeter CC1 makes of 2 strips layers and 2 layers of CsI(T1) detectors and electromagnetic calorimeter CC2 composed of CsI(T1) crystals surrounded by plastic lateral detectors LD. Scintillation detectors of the calorimeter S3 and S4 placed correspondingly between CC1 and CC2 and after electromagnetic calorimeter. All segments of detector systems ACtop, AClat, S1-S4, LD composed of two BC-408 based sensitive layers thickness of 1 cm each. Events registration both from upper and lateral directions provides due three apertures: main, additional and lateral. GAMMA-400 parameters are optimized for detection of gamma quanta with the energy 100 GeV in the main aperture Gammas, electrons/positrons and protons recognition in main aperture provides due energy deposition analysis in individual detectors of ACtop, AClat, S1-S3 and CC1 individual scintillator detectors discriminators. Particles identification in the additional aperture supplied by study of energy deposition in the individual detectors S2, S3 and position-sensitive calorimeter individual scintillator detectors discriminators. In the lateral aperture low energy (0.2 - 100 MeV) photons classified by using simple anticoincidence signals from the individual detectors of LD and CC2. Higher energies y quanta (E>100 MeV) recognized using energy deposition analysis in the individual detectors of S3, S4, LD and CC2.
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