A Low Permittivity Metamaterial on a Glass Substrate for Fabricating an Atomic Vapor Cell

2019 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall (PIERS - Fall)(2019)

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Atomic vapor cell which is one of the core devices of quantum sensing has a very important impact on the accuracy of detection, especially in the Rydberg-atom based electromagnetic field sensing. Metamaterials provide a feasible scheme for improving the performance of the vapor cell because of their excellent ability to control electromagnetic waves. In this paper, a new type of vapor cell with low perturbation for measuring electric field is proposed to eliminate the field distortion in presence of the vapor cell. The vapor cell is composed of three sets of parallel metamaterials with characteristics of perfect-electric-conductor (PEC), perfect- magnetic-conductor (PMC) and low permittivity (LPM), respectively. At the same time, the effects of vapor cell size and wall thickness on the electric field inside the vapor cell are compared. Finally, a preparation scheme of LPM with a limited size on a glass substrate is proposed.
atomic vapor cell,Rydberg-atom based electromagnetic field sensing,electric field,vapor cell size,perfect-electric-conductor,permittivity metamaterial
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