Two-Graph Based Semi-topological Analysis of Electronic Circuits with Nullors and Pathological Mirrors

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering(2018)

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The Abstraction level elements such as nulattor, norator, current mirrors and voltage mirrors have been very useful in the analysis of linear circuits. In this chapter, we proposed a method for the analysis of linear circuits with the pathological elements which is based on the two-graph representation of these elements and the semi-topological procedure of calculations of the network functions. For completeness, the method has been extended to encompass RLC-elements, all types of controlled sources, voltage and current independent sources. The procedure of calculation is based on the product matrices and on a numerical formula of evaluation of unimodular determinants. No sign rule is required for their evaluations, and canceling terms are extracted during their evaluations. In this chapter the symbolic analysis is preferred because symbolic expressions give good insight on the behavior of the circuit and can also be used in the optimization procedures.
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