Allocating Security Analysts to Cyber Alerts Using Markov Games

2018 National Cyber Summit (NCS)(2018)

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Allocating cyber-security analysts to incoming cyber alerts is an important task in any organization employing cyber-defense mechanisms. Alerts are typically generated when intrusion detection software on computer systems (e.g., servers, routers) detect abnormal or suspicious activity. Based on the respective significance level of the alerts, some are assigned to cyber-security analysts for further investigation. Due to the wide range of potential attacks coupled with high degrees of attack sophistication, identifying what constitutes a true attack is a challenging problem, especially for organizations performing critical operations (e.g., military bases, financial institutions, etc.) that are constantly being subjected to cyber attacks every day. In this paper, we develop a game-theoretical framework that assigns cyber-security analysts to cyber alerts to minimize the overall risk faced by an organization. Our approach considers a series of games between the attacker and the defender in which a state is maintained between sub-games. The state captures the availability of analysts as well as an attack budget metric that enables us to model the level of risk an attacker is willing to undertake. Through dynamic programming and Q-maximin value iteration-based algorithms, we identify optimal allocation strategies that take into account the current availability of analysts, the risk faced by the attacker, the incoming alerts, and the future outlook of the system. We assess the effectiveness of our allocation strategies by comparing them to other sensible heuristics (e.g., random, greedy and myopic). Our results show that our approach outperforms these other strategies in minimizing risk.
Intrusion Dectection,Cyber Security,Markov Games,Game Theory,Reinforcement Learning,Cyber Alert Allocation,Network Security
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