Ultrastructural and functional analysis of extra-axonemal structures in trichomonads


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Trichomonas vaginalis and Tritrichomonas foetus are extracellular flagellated parasites that inhabit humans and other mammals, respectively. In addition to motility, flagella act in a variety of biological processes in different cell types; and extra-axonemal structures (EASs) has been described as fibrillar structures that provide mechanical support and act as metabolic, homeostatic and sensory platforms in many organisms. Here, we identified the presence of EASs forming prominent flagellar swellings in T. vaginalis and T. foetus and we observed that their formation was associated with the parasites adhesion on the host cells, fibronectin, and precationized surfaces; and parasite:parasite interaction. A high number of rosettes, clusters of intramembrane particles that has been proposed as sensorial structures, and microvesicles protruding from the membrane were observed in the EASs. The protein VPS32, a member of the ESCRT-III complex crucial for diverse membrane remodeling events, the pinching off and release of microvesicles, was found in the surface as well as in microvesicles protruding from EASs. Moreover, we demonstrated that overexpression of VPS32 protein induce EAS formation and increase parasite motility in semi-solid medium. These results provide valuable data about the role of the flagellar EASs in the cell-to-cell communication and pathogenesis of these extracellular parasites. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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