Unconstrained generation of synthetic antibody-antigen structures to guide machine learning methodology for real-world antibody specificity prediction


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Machine learning (ML) is a key technology for accurate prediction of antibody-antigen binding. Two orthogonal problems hinder the application of ML to antibody-specificity prediction and the benchmarking thereof: The lack of a unified ML formalization of immunological antibody specificity prediction problems and the unavailability of large-scale synthetic benchmarking datasets of real-world relevance. Here, we developed the Absolut! software suite that enables parameter-based unconstrained generation of synthetic lattice-based 3D-antibody-antigen binding structures with ground-truth access to conformational paratope, epitope, and affinity. We formalized common immunological antibody specificity prediction problems as ML tasks and confirmed that for both sequence and structure-based tasks, accuracy-based rankings of ML methods trained on experimental data hold for ML methods trained on Absolut!-generated data. The Absolut! framework thus enables real-world relevant development and benchmarking of ML strategies for biotherapeutics design. ![Figure][1] The software framework Absolut! enables (A,B) the generation of virtually arbitrarily large numbers of synthetic 3D-antibody-antigen structures, (C,D) the formalization of antibody specificity as machine learning (ML) tasks as well as the exploration of ML strategies for real-world antibody-antigen binding or paratope-epitope prediction. Graphical abstract Highlights ### Competing Interest Statement E.M. declares holding shares in aiNET GmbH. V.G. declares advisory board positions in aiNET GmbH, Enpicom B.V, Specifica Inc, Adaptyv Biosystems, EVQLV, and Omniscope. VG is a consultant for Roche/Genentech, immunai, and Proteina. [1]: pending:yes
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