CaProDH2-mediated modulation of proline metabolism confers tolerance to Ascochyta in chickpea under drought


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Drought and leaf blight caused by the fungus Ascochyta rabiei often co-occur in chickpea ( Cicer arietinum )-producing areas. While the responses of chickpea to either drought or A. rabiei infection have been extensively studied, their combined effect on plant defense mechanisms is unknown. Fine modulation of stress-induced signaling pathways under combined stress is an important stress adaptation mechanism that warrants a better understanding. Here we show that drought facilitates resistance against A. rabiei infection in chickpea. The analysis of proline levels and gene expression profiling of its biosynthetic pathway under combined drought and A. rabiei infection revealed the gene encoding proline dehydrogenase (CaProDH2) as a strong candidate conferring resistance to A. rabiei infection. Transcript levels of CaProDH2 , pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) quantification, and measurement of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production showed that fine modulation of the proline–P5C cycle determines the observed resistance. In addition, CaProDH2- silenced plants lost basal resistance to A. rabiei infection induced by drought, while overexpression of the gene conferred higher resistance to the fungus. We suggest that the drought-induced accumulation of proline in the cytosol helps maintain cell turgor and raises mitochondrial P5C contents by a CaProDH2 -mediated step, which results in ROS production that boosts plant defense responses and confers resistance to A. rabiei infection. Our findings indicate that manipulating the proline–P5C pathway may be a possible strategy for improving stress tolerance in plants suffering from combined drought and A. rabiei infection.
proline metabolism,ascochyta,chickpea
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