Spatial-ATAC-seq: spatially resolved chromatin accessibility profiling of tissues at genome scale and cellular level


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Cellular function in tissue is dependent upon the local environment, requiring new methods for spatial mapping of biomolecules and cells in the tissue context. The emergence of spatial transcriptomics has enabled genome-scale gene expression mapping, but it remains elusive to capture spatial epigenetic information of tissue at cellular level and genome scale. Here we report on spatial-ATAC-seq: spatially resolved chromatin accessibility profiling of tissue section via next-generation sequencing by combining in situ Tn5 transposition chemistry and microfluidic deterministic barcoding. Spatial chromatin accessibility profiling of mouse embryos delineated tissue region-specific epigenetic landscapes and identified gene regulators implicated in the central nerve system development. Mapping the accessible genome in human tonsil tissue with 20μm pixel size revealed spatially distinct organization of immune cell types and states in lymphoid follicles and extrafollicular zones. This technology takes spatial biology to a new realm by enabling spatially resolved epigenomics to improve our understanding of cell identity, state, and fate decision in relation to epigenetic underpinnings in development and disease. ### Competing Interest Statement R.F. and Y.D. are inventors of a patent application related to this work. R.F. is scientific founder and advisor of IsoPlexis, Singleron Biotechnologies, and AtlasXomics. The interests of R.F. were reviewed and managed by Yale University Provosts Office in accordance with the University conflict of interest policies.
chromatin accessibility profiling,genome scale,cellular level,spatial-atac-seq
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