Inferring parameters of cancer evolution from sequencing and clinical data


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As a cancer develops, its cells accrue new mutations, resulting in a heterogeneous, complex genomic profile. We make use of this heterogeneity to derive simple, analytic estimates of parameters driving carcinogenesis and reconstruct the timeline of selective events following initiation of an individual cancer. Using stochastic computer simulations of cancer growth, we show that we can accurately estimate mutation rate, time before and after a driver event occurred, and growth rates of both initiated cancer cells and subsequently appearing subclones. We demonstrate that in order to obtain accurate estimates of mutation rate and timing of events, observed mutation counts should be corrected to account for clonal mutations that occurred after the founding of the tumor, as well as sequencing coverage. We apply our methodology to reconstruct the individual evolutionary histories of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. Fitting our model to longitudinal patient data reveals strengths and weaknesses of using an exponential model of cancer growth with constant mutation rate to estimate parameters of cancer evolution. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
cancer evolution,clinical data
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