Liver stiffness by two-dimensional shear wave elastography for screening high-risk varices in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease


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Objectives To investigate the usefulness of the criteria with liver stiffness (LS) measured by two-dimensional shear wave elastography (2D-SWE) and platelet count (PLT) for ruling out high-risk varices in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD). Methods A total of 661 patients with cACLD had successfully undergone 2D-SWE and endoscopy screening. We analyzed risk factors for the presence of high-risk varices and compared proportions of patients who were spared endoscopy when used the predicting criteria with LS (ranged from 16 to 25 kPa) and PLT (ranged from 80 × 10 9 /L to 150 × 10 9 /L). Results PLT, albumin, LS were found to be independent predictors of high-risk varices. The LS values for ruling out and ruling in high-risk varices were 14.0 kPa and 24.8 kPa, respectively. When the Baveno VI criteria LS < 20 kPa and PLT > 150 × 10 9 /L were used, the high-risk varices miss rate was 2.1%, while the saved endoscopy rate only was 19.2%. The new criteria that LS < 16 kPa and PLT > 100 × 10 9 /L saved 30.4–34.6% endoscopy with 0–3.2% high-risk varices miss rate in the subgroup analysis stratified according to the types of underlying liver disease. Conclusions The Baveno VI criteria can be applied to LS measurement by 2D-SWE. The new criteria that LS < 16 kPa and PLT > 100 × 10 9 /L could be a potential model to spare more endoscopy screening with < 5% high-risk varices miss rate. Key Points • LS measured by 2D-SWE is reliable predictive factor for predicting all-size varices and high-risk varices in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease. • LS measured by 2D-SWE < 16 kPa and PLT > 100 × 10 9 /L, which can spare more endoscopy than Baveno VI criteria with < 5% high-risk varices miss rate. • The Baveno VI criteria can be applied to LS measurement by 2D-SWE .
Liver Cirrhosis,Elastography,Ultrasonography,Esophageal Varices
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