Field evaluation of Varroa -resistance traits in surviving Apis mellifera colonies in Argentina


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Varroa destructor is one of the most important sanitary threats for the beekeeping industry and so far disease control is based mainly on chemical treatment. However, a long-term solution may arise from studying natural surviving colonies of Apis mellifera . We compared the Varroa infestation rate in six commercial colonies that received annual treatment against mites and six non-treated colonies that survived in absence of any treatment for the last 6 years. In addition, we evaluated two potential mechanisms that might be involved in colony survival: hygienic (HYG) and Varroa -sensitive hygiene behavior (VSH) by means of pin-killed and mite artificial infestation, respectively. HYG and VSH were negatively correlated with mite infestation independently of the colony group (treated or non-treated). Furthermore, colonies expressing high levels of pupae removal (≥ 80%) showed higher %HYG and lower mite infestation compared to colonies showing low pupae removal (< 80%). The analysis of reproductive status of mites from the non-removed infested cells evidenced that more infertile mites are found in colonies with more than 80% of pupae removal. To study non-treated colonies that survive for several years, it is a suitable approach for identifying the underlying mechanisms related to Varroa -resistance.
VSH,Varroa destructor,Temperate climate,Apis mellifera,Brood disease resistance
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