Lifting the Bar: A Relationship-Orienting Intervention Reduces Recidivism Among Children Reentering School From Juvenile Detention

Gregory M Walton,Jason A Okonofua, Kathleen Remington Cunningham, Daniel Hurst,Andres Pinedo,Elizabeth Weitz, Juan P Ospina, Hattie Tate,Jennifer L Eberhardt


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When children return to school from juvenile detention, they face a severe stigma. We developed a procedure to orient educators and students toward each other as positive relationship partners during this period. In Study 1, through a structured exercise, students reentering school powerfully articulated to an educator of their choosing their prosocial hopes for school as well as challenges they faced. In a preliminary field trial (N = 47), presenting this self-introduction to this educator in a one-page letter via a third-party requesting the educator's help reduced recidivism to juvenile detention through the next semester from 69% to 29%. In Study 2 (preregistered), the letter led experienced teachers (N = 349) to express greater commitment to, anticipate more success for, and feel more love and respect for a student beginning their reentry into school, potentially initiating a better trajectory. The results suggest how relationship-orienting procedures may sideline bias and make school more supportive for students facing stigma.
intervention, educational psychology, intergroup dynamics, juvenile delinquency, minority groups, prejudice, racial and ethnic attitudes and relations, adolescent development, open data, preregistered
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