Realization of Qi-Wu-Zhang model in spin-orbit-coupled ultracold fermions

Physical Review Research(2021)

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Based on the optical Raman lattice technique, we experimentally realize the Qi-Wu-Zhang model for quantum anomalous Hall phase in ultracold fermions with two-dimensional (2D) spin-orbit (SO) coupling. We develop a novel protocol of pump-probe quench measurement to probe, with minimal heating, the resonant spin flipping on particular quasi-momentum subspace called band-inversion surfaces. With this protocol we demonstrate the first Dirac-type 2D SO coupling in a fermionic system, and detect non-trivial band topology by observing the change of band-inversion surfaces as the two-photon detuning varies. The non-trivial band topology is also observed by slowly loading the atoms into optical Raman lattices and measuring the spin textures. Our results show solid evidence for the realization of the minimal SO-coupled quantum anomalous Hall model, which can provide a feasible platform to investigate novel topological physics including the correlation effects with SO-coupled ultracold fermions.
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