Three distinct outcomes in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma and lymphovascular invasion: the good, the bad, and the ugly


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Purpose In colorectal cancer (CRC), lymphovascular invasion (LVI) is a predictor of poor outcome and its analysis is nowadays recommended. Literature is still extremely heterogeneous, and we hypothesize that, within such a group of patients, there are any further predictors of survival. Methods A total of 2652 patients with I–III-stage CRC undergoing resection between 2002 and 2018 were included in a retrospective analysis of demographic, clinical, and histology with the aim of defining the impact of LVI on overall survival (OS) and its relationship with other prognostic factors. Results Overall, 5-year-OS was 62.6% (77-month-median survival). LVI was found in 558 (21%) specimens and resulted associated with 44.9%-5-year-OS (44 months) vs. 64.1% (104 months) of LVI cases. At multivariate analysis, LVI ( p = 0.009), T3–4 ( p < 0.001), and N ≠ 0 ( p < 0.001) resulted independent predictors of outcome. LVI resulted as being associated with older age ( p < 0.013), T3–4 ( p < 0.001), lower grading ( p < 0.001), N ≠ 0 ( p < 0.001), mucinous histology ( p < 0.001), budding ( p < 0.001), and PNI ( p < 0.001). Within the LVI + patients, T3–4 ( p = 0.009) and N ≠ 0 ( p < 0.001) resulted as independent predictors of shortened OS. In particular, N-status impacted the prognosis of patients with T3–4 tumors ( p = 0.020), whereas it did not impact the prognosis of patients with T1–2 tumors ( p = 0.393). Three groups (T1–2anyN, T3–4N0, T3–4 N ≠ 0), with distinct outcome (approximately 70%-, 52%-, and 35%-5-year-OS, respectively), were identified. Conclusions LVI is associated with more aggressive/more advanced CRC and is confirmed as predictor of poor outcome. By using T- and N-stage, a simple algorithm may easily allow re-assessing the expected survival of patients with LVI + tumors.
Colon,Rectum,Cancer,Lymphovascular invasion,Survival
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