Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques


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It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 17th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2008). PACT brings together researchers from computer architecture, compilers, applications, and programming languages to present and discuss research of common interest. PACT 2008 features research on a broad range of topics, including parallel architectures, compilers, tools, benchmarks, I/O, reconfigurable architectures, middleware and runtime systems, hardware support for multithreading, and memory hierarchy design and programming. There were 159 submissions to the conference, a strong number of submissions again. The submitted papers underwent a thorough review process. Each paper was assigned to at least 3 program committee members to review. For most papers, at least one external review from an outside expert was obtained as well. There was an author feedback period, where authors could provide feedback on preliminary reviews. Authors could address questions from reviewers and correct factual errors. The program committee did an admirable job of reviewing the papers in a relatively short time frame. On average, each committee member had about 21 papers to review. Committee members were assigned papers in early April and reviews were due on Monday, May 19th to accommodate the author feedback period. The author feedback period was from May 21st to May 23rd . The committee met on Monday, June 2nd at Stanford University. The committee accepted 30 papers, for an acceptance rate of about 19%. We are pleased to be meeting in the beautiful city of Toronto, Canada. We hope that you will enjoy Toronto in late October. The technical program includes talks for 30 papers and two keynotes. There is a special event at the CN tower on Tuesday evening, as well as plenty of time for socializing and discussing on-going research. There are also 5 tutorials and 3 workshops the weekend before the main conference.
Event (computing),Middleware (distributed applications),Compiler,Library science,Memory hierarchy,Range (computer programming),Computer science,Operations research,Period (music),Multithreading,Acceptance rate
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