Unintended Features of APIs: Cryptanalysis of Incremental HMAC

Gal Benmocha,Eli Biham,Stav Perle


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Many cryptographic APIs provide extra functionality that was not intended by the designers. In this paper we discuss such an unintended functionality in the API of HMAC, and study the security implications of it's use by applications. HMAC authenticates a single message at a time with a single authentication tag. However, most HMAC implementations do not complain when extra data is added to the stream after that tag is computed, nor they undo the side effects of the tag computation. Think of it as an API of a new authentication primitive, that provides tags to prefixes, rather than just to the full message. We call such primitives Incremental MACs (IncMACs). IncMACs may be used by applications to efficiently authenticate long messages, broken into fragments, which need their own individual authentication tag for performing an early abort or to retransmit only bad fragments, while each tag (strongly) authenticates the message prefix so far, and the last tag fully authenticates the full message. It appears that some applications (e.g., Siemens S7 protocol) use the standard HMAC API to provide an incremental MAC, allowing to identify transmission errors as soon as the first error occurs, while also directly authenticating the full message. We discuss two common implementations, used by cryptographic libraries and programs, whose APIs do not forbid using them incrementally, continuing with extra data after computing the tag. The most common one, which Siemens uses, uses a naive implementation (as natively coded from the RFCs). The other is the implementation of the OpenSSL library. We discuss these implementations, and show that they are not as secure as HMAC. Moreover, some of them may even be highly insecure when used incrementally, where in the particular case of OpenSSL it is possible to instantly find collisions and multi-collisions, which are also colliding under any key. We also discuss the fine details of the definition of IncMACs, and propose secure versions of such a primitive.
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