Urban Flood Analysis In Ungauged Drainage Basin Using Short-Term And High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Rainfall Records


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Analyzing flooding in urban areas is a great challenge due to the lack of long-term rainfall records. This study hereby seeks to propose a modeling framework for urban flood analysis in ungauged drainage basins. A platform called "RainyDay" combined with a nine-year record of hourly, 0.1 degrees remotely sensed rainfall data are used to generate extreme rainfall events. These events are used as inputs to a hydrological model. The comprehensive characteristics of urban flooding are reflected through the projection pursuit method. We simulate runoff for different return periods for a typical urban drainage basin. The combination of RainyDay and short-record remotely sensed rainfall can reproduce recent observed rainfall frequencies, which are relatively close to the design rainfall calculated by the intensity-duration-frequency formula. More specifically, the design rainfall is closer at high (higher than 20-yr) return period or long duration (longer than 6 h). Contrasting with the flood-simulated results under different return periods, RainyDay-based estimates may underestimate the flood characteristics under low return period or short duration scenarios, but they can reflect the characteristics with increasing duration or return period. The proposed modeling framework provides an alternative way to estimate the ensemble spread of rainfall and flood estimates rather than a single estimate value.
urban flood, design rainfall, ungauged drainage basin, RainyDay, IDF formula
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