High repetition rate high-order harmonic generation up to the carbon K-edge in an antiresonant hollow-core fiber


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Intense, ultrafast laser sources with an operation wavelength beyond the well-established near-IR are valuable tools for exploiting the wavelength scaling laws of strong-field, light-matter interactions. Such laser systems enable the scaling of the phase matching photon energy cut-off in high-order harmonic generation, which allows for the generation of coherent soft X-ray radiation up to, and even beyond, the water window. Such laser-driven sources enable a plethora of subsequent applications. A number of these applications can significantly benefit from an increase in repetition rate. In that regard, ultrafast thulium-doped fiber laser systems (providing a broad amplification bandwidth in the 2 μm wavelength region) represent a promising, average-power scalable laser concept for driving high-order harmonic generation. These lasers are capable of delivering ~100 fs pulses with multi-GW peak power at hundreds of kHz repetition rate. In this work, we show that combining ultrafast thulium-doped fiber CPA systems with HHG in an antiresonant hollow-core fiber is a promising approach to realize high photon energy cut-off HHG from a compact setup. The realization is based on combining nonlinear pulse self-compression (leading to strong-field waveforms) and phase-matched high-order harmonic generation in a single antiresonant hollow-core fiber. In this demonstration, a photon energy cut-off of approximately 330 eV has been achieved, together with a photon flux >106 ph/s/eV at 300 eV. These results emphasize the great potential of exploiting the HHG wavelength scaling laws with 2 μm fiber laser technology. Improvements of the HHG efficiency, the overall HHG yield and further laser performance enhancements will be the subjects of our future work.
High harmonic generation,Fiber laser,Laser,Photon energy,Ultrashort pulse,Water window,Wavelength,Optoelectronics,K-edge,Materials science
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