Porosity Distribution In Single Cone Root Canal Fillings Performed By Operators With Different Clinical Experience: A Microct Assessment


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The objective of this study was to assess the porosity distribution of BioRoot RCS/single gutta-percha point root-canal fillings performed by a general dental practitioner and endodontist. Fourteen plastic models of maxillary premolars with two roots were selected and shaped with HyFlex EDM instruments to a size 40/0.04 taper and randomly divided into two experimental groups. A total of 14 canals in each group were obturated by two different operators with one HyFlex EDM size 40 gutta-percha point and BioRoot RCS sealer. The specimens were scanned with a high-resolution micro-computed tomography scanner, and the porosity of the fillings at the coronal, middle, and apical thirds of the root canals was qualified and quantified. The differences between groups and root-canal thirds were compared using Mann-Whitney, Friedman, and Wilcoxon tests with the significance level set at p < 0.05. The highest number of pores was observed in the apical third of root-canal fillings in both groups; however, the porosity distribution between the two groups was not significantly different in the apical and middle thirds (p > 0.05). Statistically significant differences were determined only in the coronal third (p < 0.05). The predominance of open pores was detected in all root-canal thirds and groups, with no significant differences in the number of open pores between the coronal and middle thirds (p > 0.05).
single cone, BioRoot RCS, general dental practitioner, endodontist, micro-computed tomography, porosity
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