Impact of chloride ions on activated persulfates based advanced oxidation process (AOPs): A mini review.


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Chloride ion (Cl-) is ever-present in aquatic environments. Different Cl- concentration have been reported in industrial water (760 mM), surface water (<21 mM), seawater (540 mM) and groundwater (<21 mM) which could potentially accumulate into large concentrations in the sea. This mini-review examines more than 200 studies and found that Cl- ions can react with strong oxidants (SO4•-, •OH, and HSO5-) generated from persulfate activation, inducing the formation of chlorine radicals, that can either (1) directly react with organics or (2) generate chlorine radicals that can participate in the conversion of the organic substrate. Although the impact of chloride radicals have been identified as either negligible, positive, or negative (inhibitive) at different Cl- concentrations, only a few studies have considered the possible generation of chlorinated by-products. Another essential detail that is often neglected is the mutagenicity and toxicity of these products, as only a few studies have reported on the biotoxicity, AOX (adsorbable organic halogen) and the degree of mineralization of Cl- containing persulfate activated AOPs (Advanced Oxidation Process). Future studies need to consider the chemical analysis of the degradation products as well as the mutagenicity, toxicity and the biological effects pre and post-oxidation process. This evaluation will address several key issues including the properties, occurrence, and toxicity of the chlorinated products, which can significantly benefit its application in a large-scale environmental application.
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