Quantum counterpart of energy equipartition theorem for a dissipative charged magneto-oscillator: Effect of dissipation, memory, and magnetic field


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In this paper, we formulate and study the quantum counterpart of the energy equipartition theorem for a charged quantum particle moving in a harmonic potential in the presence of a uniform external magnetic field and linearly coupled to a passive quantum heat bath through coordinate variables. The bath is modeled as a collection of independent quantum harmonic oscillators. We derive closed form expressions for the mean kinetic and potential energies of the charged dissipative magneto-oscillator in the forms Ek = (Ek) and Ep = (Ep), respectively, where Ek and Ep denote the average kinetic and potential energies of individual thermostat oscillators. The net averaging is twofold; the first one is over the Gibbs canonical state for the thermostat, giving Ek and Ep, and the second one, denoted by (center dot), is over the frequencies w of the bath oscillators which contribute to Ek and Ep according to probability distributions Pk(w) and Pp(w), respectively. The relationship of the present quantum version of the equipartition theorem with that of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (within the linear-response theory framework) is also explored. Further, we investigate the influence of the external magnetic field and the effect of different dissipation processes through Gaussian decay and Drude and radiation bath spectral density functions on the typical properties of Pk(w) and Pp(w). Finally, the role of system-bath coupling strength and the memory effect is analyzed in the context of average kinetic and potential energies of the dissipative charged magneto-oscillator.
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