What value can TSPO PET bring for epilepsy treatment?

Université Paris-Saclay, University of Antwerp

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging(2021)

引用 11|浏览3
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders and affects both the young and adult populations. The question we asked for this review was how positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with translocator protein (TSPO) radioligands can help inform the epilepsy clinic and the development of future treatments targeting neuroinflammatory processes. Even though the first TSPO PET scans in epilepsy patients were performed over 20 years ago, this imaging modality has not seen wide adoption in the clinic. There is vast scientific evidence from preclinical studies in rodent models of temporal lobe epilepsy which have shown increased levels of TSPO corresponding to neuroinflammatory processes in the brain. These increases peaked sub-acutely (1–2 weeks) after the epileptogenic insult (e.g. status epilepticus) and remained chronically increased, albeit at lower levels. In addition, these studies have shown a correlation between TSPO levels and seizure outcome, pharmacoresistance and behavioural morbidities. Histological assessment points to a complex interplay between different cellular components such as microglial activation, astrogliosis and cell death changing dynamically over time. In epilepsy patients, a highly sensitive biomarker of neuroinflammation would provide value for the optimization of surgical assessment (particularly for extratemporal lobe epilepsy) and support the clinical development path of anti-inflammatory treatments. Clinical studies have shown a systematic increase in asymmetry indices of TSPO PET binding. However, region-based analysis typically does not yield statistical differences and changes are often not restricted to the epileptogenic zone, limiting the ability of this imaging modality to localise pathology for surgery. In this manuscript, we discuss the biological underpinnings of these findings and review for which applications in epilepsy TSPO PET could bring added value.
Epilepsy,Translocator protein (TSPO),Positron emission tomography (PET),Neuroinflammation,Biomarker
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