Q134r: Small Chemical Compound With Nfat Inhibitory Properties Improves Behavioral Performance And Synapse Function In Mouse Models Of Amyloid Pathology


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Inhibition of the protein phosphatase calcineurin (CN) ameliorates pathophysiologic and cognitive changes in aging rodents and mice with aging-related Alzheimer's disease (AD)-like pathology. However, concerns over adverse effects have slowed the transition of common CN-inhibiting drugs to the clinic for the treatment of AD and AD-related disorders. Targeting substrates of CN, like the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFATs), has been suggested as an alternative, safer approach to CN inhibitors. However, small chemical inhibitors of NFATs have only rarely been described. Here, we investigate a newly developed neuroprotective hydroxyquinoline derivative (Q134R) that suppresses NFAT signaling, without inhibiting CN activity. Q134R partially inhibited NFAT activity in primary rat astrocytes, but did not prevent CN-mediated dephosphorylation of a non-NFAT target, either in vivo, or in vitro. Acute (<= 1 week) oral delivery of Q134R to APP/PS1 (12 months old) or wild-type mice (3-4 months old) infused with oligomeric A beta peptides led to improved Y maze performance. Chronic (>= 3 months) oral delivery of Q134R appeared to be safe, and, in fact, promoted survival in wild-type (WT) mice when given for many months beyond middle age. Finally, chronic delivery of Q134R to APP/PS1 mice during the early stages of amyloid pathology (i.e., between 6 and 9 months) tended to reduce signs of glial reactivity, prevented the upregulation of astrocytic NFAT4, and ameliorated deficits in synaptic strength and plasticity, without noticeably altering parenchymal A beta plaque pathology. The results suggest that Q134R is a promising drug for treating AD and aging-related disorders.
alzheimer's disease, calcineurin, dementia, nuclear factor of activated T cells, small chemical compound, synapses
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