An Intelligent Modeling Methodology and the Integrated Monitoring and Early Warning System for the Escalators by Using BIM Technology

Yu Wei Zhou,Wei Min Feng, Ling Pei Chen

Advances in Science and Technology(2021)

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The escalator intelligent design method with variable engineering parameters is proposed in this study by integrating the escalator parametric design and data-driven modeling method, in which, the developed intelligent design method provides efficient improvements in the solving the problems of escalator parametric intelligent layout and automatic modeling under different engineering conditions, for instance, different lifting heights and various station floor heights. Unlike other works in the literature, aiming to integrate the information collected by different equipment, the methods of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) expansion and Dynamo parametric data acquisition platform is introduced to develop the BIM 4D model. The computational result in the case study and applications show that, a big data system for enabling visualization, monitoring, and warning of escalator operations is developed in this work, which can provide real-time monitoring and safety warning during the design, construction and operation stage of escalator operations.
escalators,early warning system,integrated monitoring,intelligent modeling methodology
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