Scleral Discoloration Because of Minocycline Use: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Yasmin F.k. Islam, Erich P. Horn

Military medicine(2023)

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In this case report, we highlight minocycline-induced scleral hyperpigmentation, combined with ear and fingernail discoloration that developed after over 15 years of use for rosacea in a 78-year-old male with multiple medical comorbidities. Minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, is used to treat rosacea and acne as well as some orthopedic infections. It is typically used for extended periods of time; long-term use of minocycline is associated with hyperpigmentation of the sclera, conjunctiva, retina, teeth, skin, subcutaneous fat, oral mucosa, tympanic membrane, and gingiva. This case highlights that hyperpigmentation is more likely to occur in older patients than in younger patients. Scleral hyperpigmentation is not associated with vision loss; however, cosmetic concerns can prompt discontinuation of minocycline. Nonetheless, after cessation, the lesions persist in some patients. Monitoring for hyperpigmentation in patients using minocycline is important, as the hyperpigmentation is more likely to be permanent with long-term use.
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