Scheduling on a graph with release times

Journal of Scheduling(2023)

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We study a generalization of the well-known traveling salesman problem in a metric space, in which each city is associated with a release time. The salesman has to visit each city at or after its release time. There exists a naive 5/2-approximation algorithm where the salesman simply starts to route the network after all cities are released. Interestingly, this bound has never been improved for more than two decades. In this paper, we revisit the problem and achieve the following results. First, we devise an approximation algorithm with performance ratio less than 5/2 when the number of distinct release times is fixed. Then, we analyze a natural class of algorithms and show that no performance ratio better than 5/2 is possible unless the Metric TSP can be approximated with a ratio strictly less than 3/2, which is a well-known longstanding open question. Finally, we consider a special case where the graph has a heavy edge and present an approximation algorithm with performance ratio less than 5/2.
Vehicle scheduling problem, Traveling salesman problem, Approximation algorithms, Performance ratio
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