Development And Validation Of A Deep Learning Algorithm And Open-Source Platform For The Automatic Labelling Of Motion Capture Markers


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The purpose of this work was to develop an open-source deep learning-based algorithm for motion capture marker labelling that can be trained on measured or simulated marker trajectories. In the proposed algorithm, a deep neural network including recurrent layers is trained on measured or simulated marker trajectories. Labels are assigned to markers using the Hungarian algorithm and a predefined generic marker set is used to identify and correct mislabeled markers. The algorithm was first trained and tested on measured motion capture data. Then, the algorithm was trained on simulated trajectories and tested on data that included movements not contained in the simulated data set. The ability to improve accuracy using transfer learning to update the neural network weights based on labelled motion capture data was assessed. The effect of occluded and extraneous markers on labelling accuracy was also examined. Labelling accuracy was 99.6% when trained on measured data and 92.8% when trained on simulated trajectories, but could be improved to up to 98.8% through transfer learning. Missing or extraneous markers reduced labelling accuracy, but results were comparable to commercial software. The proposed labelling algorithm can be used to accurately label motion capture data in the presence of missing and extraneous markers and accuracy can be improved as data are collected, labelled, and added to the training set. The algorithm and user interface can reduce the time and manual effort required to label optical motion capture data, particularly for those with limited access to commercial software.
Labeling, Trajectory, Skeleton, Training, Neural networks, Calibration, Transfer learning, Optical motion capture, marker labelling, machine learning, biomechanics
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