Co-Creating Smart Cities: The Case of the T-City initiative as best practice example for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT

The ORBIT Journal(2018)

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This case study describes the T-City initiative and uses it as a best practice example of how to include Responsible Research and Innovation into the transformation process connected with making cities ‘smart’. The initiative aimed to showcase how modern information and communication technology can sustainably improve the quality of life and community living in the city of Friedrichshafen. Starting with a general description of the initiative the case study then focuses on the project area ‘Health and Support’ and examines two specific projects to illustrate best practice for Responsible Research and Innovation. It shows that the goals and perspectives of different stakeholders can be united and that win-win-situations can be generated. The T-City initiative was an inclusive approach in which societal actors worked together during innovation processes and became mutually responsive to each other to co-create the smart city of Friedrichshafen.
Co-Creation,Smart City,Public Private Partnership,Stakeholder Engagement,Responsible Research and Innovation,Telehealth,Ageing Population,T- City,Health,ICT,Case Study,Best Practice
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