Outliers in Smartphone Sensor Data Reveal Outliers in Daily Happiness

Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies(2021)

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AbstractEnabling smartphones to understand our emotional well-being provides the potential to create personalised applications and highly responsive interfaces. However, this is by no means a trivial task - subjectivity in reporting emotions impacts the reliability of ground-truth information whereas smartphones, unlike specialised wearables, have limited sensing capabilities. In this paper, we propose a new approach that advances emotional state prediction by extracting outlier-based features and by mitigating the subjectivity in capturing ground-truth information. We utilised this approach in a distinctive and challenging use case - happiness detection - and we demonstrated prediction performance improvements of up to 13% in AUC and 27% in F-score compared to the traditional modelling approaches. The results indicate that extreme values (i.e. outliers) of sensor readings mirror extreme values in the reported happiness levels. Furthermore, we showed that this approach is more robust in replicating the prediction model in completely new experimental settings.
Smartphone Sensing, Mental Health, Mobile Health, Machine Learning
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