Flex_extract v7.1 – A software to retrieve and prepare ECMWF data for use in FLEXPART

Geoscientific Model Development Discussions(2020)

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Abstract. Flex_extract is an open-source software package to efficiently retrieve and prepare meteorological data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) as input for the widely-used Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART and the related trajectory model FLEXTRA. ECMWF provides a variety of data sets which differ in a number of parameters (available fields, spatial and temporal resolution, forecast start times, level types etc.). Therefore, the selection of the right data for a specific application and the settings needed to obtain them are not trivial. Therefore, the data sets which can be retrieved through flex_extract by both authorised member state users and public users and their properties are explained. Flex_extract 7.1 is a substantially revised version with completely restructured software, mainly written in Python3, which is introduced with all input and output files and for the four different application modes. Software dependencies and the methods for calculating the native vertical velocity η̇, the handling of flux data and the preparation of the final FLEXPART input files are documented. Considerations for applications give guidance with respect to the selection of data sets, caveats related to the land-sea mask and orography, etc. Formal software quality assurance methods have been applied to flex_extract. It comes with a set of unit and regression tests as well as code metric data. A short description of the installation and usage of flex_extract as well as information about available detailed documentation is also provided.
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