Evaluation of guidance systems at dynamic public transport hubs using crowd simulation

Winter Simulation Conference(2020)

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ABSTRACTA key challenge in the implementation of novel public transport systems is to maintain usability over a broad spectrum of potential users. Transport systems that increasingly emphasise dynamic adjustment to changing passenger numbers and destinations over time cannot rely on static schedules and routes like traditional systems do. In this work we are investigating the use of agent-based crowd simulation to evaluate how different passenger guidance systems affect agent navigation in a public transport hub. We study the effects of different digital signage placement strategies in terms of crowding and walking times and also analyse how the introduction of mobile phone guidance systems affects these metrics. Our results show that crowd simulation is a cost and time-efficient tool for the evaluation of guidance systems in public transport spaces that can also support the design of bus schedules and bay assignments.
dynamic public transport hubs,public transport systems,dynamic adjustment,passenger numbers,static schedules,agent-based crowd simulation,agent navigation,public transport hub,walking times,mobile phone guidance systems,time-efficient tool,public transport spaces,passenger guidance systems,digital signage placement,guidance systems evaluation,bus schedules,bay assignments
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