A Model of Interacting Navier-Stokes Singularities


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We introduce a model of interacting singularities of Navier-Stokes equations, named pincons. They follow non-equilibrium dynamics, obtained by the condition that the velocity field around these singularities obeys locally Navier-Stokes equations. This model can be seen as a generalization of the vorton model of Novikov that was derived for the Euler equations. When immersed in a regular field, the pincons are further transported and sheared by the regular field, while applying a stress onto the regular field that becomes dominant at a scale that is smaller than the Kolmogorov length. We apply this model to compute the motion of a pair of pincons. A pincon dipole is intrinsically repelling and the pincons generically run away from each other in the early stage of their interaction. At a late time, the dissipation takes over, and the dipole dies over a viscous time scale. In the presence of a stochastic forcing, the dipole tends to orientate itself so that its components are perpendicular to their separation, and it can then follow during a transient time a near out-of-equilibrium state, with forcing balancing dissipation. In the general case where the pincons have arbitrary intensity and orientation, we observe three generic dynamics in the early stage: one collapse with infinite dissipation, and two expansion modes, the dipolar anti-aligned runaway and an anisotropic aligned runaway. The collapse of a pair of pincons follows several characteristics of the reconnection between two vortex rings, including the scaling of the distance between the two components, following Leray scaling root t(c) - t.
turbulence, singularity, non-equilibrium dynamics
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