Dilated Transaction Access and Retrieval: Improving the Information Retrieval of Blockchain-Assimilated Internet of Things Transactions

Wirel. Pers. Commun.(2021)

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Blockchain technology is designed to improve the security features and information access of a transaction in a connected Internet of Things platform. The private information retrieval from the transactions using blockchain improves the quality of experience through systematic assessments. However, the information retrieval from the fore-gone transaction does not result in maximum profit due to time and sequence of transactions. This article introduces a dilated transaction access and retrieval method. The proposed method identifies the transaction history based on the non-replicated identity and recursive organization of the block. A non-recurrent binary searching process assists information access and retrieval randomly. The random process increases the time, and therefore, a transaction-time constraint is used to limit the number of random searches. In this method, multi-random searches are initiated in a branched manner for identifying the block. Pursued by this access, the relevance based retrieval is performed to improve the correctness of transaction assessment.
Blockchain, Information access, Internet of things, Non-recurrent learning, PIR
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