Classification of Landslide Stability Based on Fine Topographic Features

2020 17th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP)(2020)

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In this paper, we propose an extraction method for landslide topographic features and based on these fine features, we trained a landslide stability classification model. Topographic factors have a huge impact on the stability of landslides, and our new feature extraction methods can provide more accurate portraits of landslides. Considering the factors affected landslide stability, this paper studied the factors used in traditional quantitative stability calculations and analyzed the factors affecting stability based on landslide data. So, the proposed method is a combination of theoretical method and numerical method. Based on support vector classification (SVC), random forest (RF), and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) models, this paper compares and analyzes the rationality and reliability of the landslide stability classification results output by three models. After adopting the new fine feature extraction method, the accuracy of the stable classification results has been improved by about 5% on average, and the interpretability of the classification results has also been greatly enhanced.
Landslide stability classification,Feature extraction,Topography feature,Machine learning
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