Adoption of rescue colloid during burn resuscitation decreases fluid administered and restores end-organ perfusion


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Introduction: Traditionally, lactated Ringer's solution (LR) has been utilized for the resuscitation of thermally injured patients via the Parkland or Brooke formulas. Both of these formulas include colloid supplementation after 24 h of resuscitation. Recently, the addition of albumin within the initial resuscitation has been reported to decrease fluid creep and hourly fluids given. Our institution has previously advocated for a crystalloid-driven resuscitation. Given reports of improved outcomes with albumin, we pragmatically adjusted these practices and present our findings for doing so. Methods: Our burn registry, consisting of prospectively collected patient data, was queried for those at least 18 years of age who, between July 2017 and December 2018, sustained a thermal injury and completed a formal resuscitation (24 h). At the attending physician's discretion, rescue colloid was administered using 25% albumin for those failing to respond to traditional resuscitation (patients with sustained urine output of <0.5 mL/kg over 2-3 h, or unstable vital signs and ongoing fluid administration). We compared the total volume of the crystalloid-only and rescue colloid resuscitation fluids given to patients. We also examined the in/out fluid balances during resuscitation. Statistical analysis was performed using Stata software. Results: A total of 91 patients with thermal injuries were included: the median age was 40 (IQR 31-57), 73% were male, and 30 patients received rescue albumin. The percentage of total body surface area burned (%TBSA) was greater in those who received rescue albumin (40.3% vs. 34%; p = 0.047). Despite a higher %TBSA in the albumin group, the total LR given during resuscitation was not significantly different between groups (15,914.43 mL vs. 11,828.71 mL; p = 0.129) even when normalized for TBSA and weight (ml LR/kg/%TBSA: 4.31 vs. 3.66; p = 0.129. The average in/out fluid ratio for the rescue group was higher than for the crystalloid group (0.83 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.59 +/- 0.11; p = 0.06) and returned to normal after colloid administration. Conclusion: Rescue albumin administration decreases the amount of fluid administered per % TBSA during resuscitation, and also increases end organ function as evidenced by increased
Colloid resuscitation, Albumin, Burn injury, Fluid creep
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