Integrative Review of Non-Financial Indicators Resulting from Social Innovation in Productive Chains

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences(2021)

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In the literature there is no consensus on the definition of social innovation, its dimensions and causal relationships. The development of indicators becomes complex because the empirical research activity confronts concepts that differ paradoxically from metrics. This work contributes to discussion by offering an integrative review of non-financial indicators applied to productive chains with the objective of measuring social innovation activities, at the level of their links. The method used in the research was the integrative review in the periodicals Web of Science and Crossref databases, from June 2017 to June 2018. The main findings are that the models analyzed promote the organizational level as the appropriate level to measure social innovation activities. Despite these limitations, this work contributes to the field of measuring social innovation in three areas: (a) modeling a system (b) offering a mapping of organizational competencies and (c) based on this mapping, the model contributes to the Conception of specific incentives for the development of organizational competencies for the promotion of social innovations. The need to conceptually and empirically test the model in different socioeconomic environments to stabilize a social innovation monitor was observed.
social innovation,productive chains,integrative review,non-financial
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