Learning Control Policy with Previous Experiences from Robot Simulator

2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)(2020)

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Advances in deep reinforcement learning enabled cost-efficient training of control policy of physical robot actions from robot simulators. Learning control policy in a simulated environment is cost-efficient over learning in a real environment. Reward engineering is one of the key components to train efficient control policy. For tasks with long horizons such as navigation and manipulation, a sparse reward is providing limited information. The robot simulator for a physical engine of physical robot manipulation has made it easy for researchers in the field of deep reinforcement learning to simulate complicated robot manipulation environments. In this paper, A robot manipulation simulator and a deep RL framework are utilized for implement a training control policy by utilizing previous experiences. For implementation, Recent innovation Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) algorithms with previous experiences to calculate dense rewards from a sparse reward is leveraged . Proposed implementation showed an approach to investigate the reward engineering method to formulate dense reward in robot manipulator tasks.
Deep Reinforcement Learning,Robot Learning,Robot Manipulation,Reward Engineering,Dense Reward
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