Shear viscosity to electrical conductivity ratio in the quasiparticle models

The European Physical Journal Special Topics(2020)

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We examine the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity η to electrical conductivity σ ratio, as well as the specific shear viscosity and the scaled electrical conductivity in QCD with light and strange quarks. Our calculations are performed in kinetic theory under the relaxation time approximation combined with the quasiparticle model. We compute all transport parameters using the isotropic and transport cross sections and compare our results to a class of quasiparticle models for the QGP with N f = 2 + 1. The results depending on different schemes are examined. The ratio ( η ∕ s )∕( σ ∕ T ) quantifies the relation between the relaxation times of gluons and quarks and specifies their comparative role in the evolution of the QGP. We find an excellent agreement with the ( η ∕ s )∕( σ ∕ T ) ratio deduced from the dynamical quasiparticle model in which the quasiparticles are characterized not only by their effective masses but also by finite widths.
Viscous Fluid Dynamics
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