A lowly populated, transient β-sheet structure in monomeric Aβ1-42 identified by multinuclear NMR of chemical denaturation


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Abstract Chemical denaturation is a well-established approach for probing the equilibrium between folded and unfolded states of proteins. We demonstrate applicability of this method to the detection of a small population of a transiently folded structural element in a system that is often considered to be intrinsically fully disordered. The 1HN, 15N, 13Cα, and 13C′ chemical shifts of Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42 peptides and their M35-oxidized variants were monitored as a function of urea concentration and compared to analogous urea titrations of synthetic pentapeptides of homologous sequence. Fitting of the chemical shift titrations yields a 10 ± 1% population for a structured element at the C-terminus of Aβ1-42 that folds with a cooperativity of m = 0.06 kcal/mol·M. The fit also yields the chemical shifts of the folded state and, using a database search, for Aβ1-42 these shifts identified an antiparallel intramolecular β-sheet for residues I32-A42, linked by a type I′ β-turn at G37 and G38. The structure is destabilized by oxidation of M35. Paramagnetic relaxation rates and two previously reported weak, medium-range NOE interactions are consistent with this transient β-sheet. Introduction of the requisite A42C mutation and tagging with MTSL resulted in a small stabilization of this β-sheet. Chemical shift analysis suggests a C-terminal β-sheet may be present in Aβ1-40 too, but the turn type at G37 is not type I′. The approach to derive Transient Structure from chemical Denaturation by NMR (TSD-NMR), demonstrated here for Aβ peptides, provides a sensitive tool for identifying the presence of lowly populated, transiently ordered elements in proteins that are considered to be intrinsically disordered, and permits extraction of structural data for such elements.
Urea denaturation, Protein folding, Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, Triple resonance NMR, Intrinsically disordered protein, Chemical shift perturbation
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