The Culture of Risk: STS Citizens Facing the Challenge of Engagement

Philosophy of Engineering and Technology(2018)

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Plurality and divergence of opinion, based on freedom of thought and information, are nowadays broadly recognized as requirements for the healthy performance of a democratic society. The aim of this chapter is to take this idea somewhat further by characterizing the agents of such performance. We do so by highlighting a culture of risk with respect to the Science and Technology System. In our view, risk culture implies having a skeptical awareness grounded on sound information towards science and technology, combining an overall positive attitude and awareness of their limitations and threats, and adapting one's behavior accordingly. We argue that risk culture is a key element for democratic governance in contemporary risk societies with increasingly pressing technical issues open to social debate. Accordingly, we first review the concept of risk culture within the framework of scientific and technological culture, and then proceed to examine the role of this risk culture in social engagement. Finally, we reflect on some challenges of the implications of risk culture for the relation between society, science, and technology.
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