Online 3D Frontier-Based UGV and UAV Exploration Using Direct Point Cloud Visibility

2020 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI)(2020)

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While robots have long been proposed as a tool to reduce human personnel’s exposure to danger in subterranean environments, these environments also present significant challenges to the development of these robots. Fundamental to this challenge is the problem of autonomous exploration. Frontier-based methods have been a powerful and successful approach to exploration, but complex 3D environments remain a challenge when online employment is required. This paper presents a new approach that addresses the complexity of operating in 3D by directly modelling the boundary between observed free and unobserved space (the frontier), rather than utilising dense 3D volumetric representations. By avoiding a representation involving a single map, it also achieves scalability to problems where Simultaneous Localisation and Matching (SLAM) loop closures are essential. The approach enabled a team of seven ground and air robots to autonomously explore the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit, jointly traversing over 8 km in a complex and communication denied environment.
online 3D frontier-based UGV,UAV exploration,direct point cloud visibility,human personnel,subterranean environments,autonomous exploration,frontier-based methods,online employment,the frontier,dense 3D volumetric representations,air robots,DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit,complex communication
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