Nudging student learning strategies using formative feedback in automatically graded assessments.


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Automated assessment tools are widely used as a means for providing formative feedback to undergraduate students in computer science courses while helping those courses simultaneously scale to meet student demand. While formative feedback is a laudable goal, we have observed many students trying to debug their solutions into existence using only the feedback given, while losing context of the learning goals intended by the course staff. In this paper, we detail two case studies from second and third-year undergraduate software engineering courses indicating that using only nudges about where students should focus their efforts can improve how they act on generated feedback. By carefully reasoning about errors uncovered by our automated assessment approaches, we have been able to create feedback for students that helps them to revisit the learning outcomes for the assignment or course. This approach has been applied to both multiple-choice feedback in an online quiz taking system and automated assessment of student programming tasks. We have found that student performance has not suffered and that students reflect positively about how they investigate automated assessment failures.
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