Synthesis of Calcium Phosphate Composite Bioactive Oleic Acid-Based Gels and its Application for Dentine Tubule Occlusion

Materials Science Forum(2020)

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Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a common issue among humans caused by the erosion of tooth enamel as a result of chewing and brushing incorrectly. The most effective treatment method is occluding the exposed dentine tubules. Because calcium phosphate is an important mineral and the most common mineral for dentine and orthopaedic application, this study focuses on the synthesis of bioactive gels containing calcium phosphate nanoparticles. The synthesis is performed using water-in-oil emulsion and characterized by the use of TGA, Rheological, TEM, and SEM techniques. This method used oleic fatty acids as an external phase and Tween 20 as surfactant to form water-in-oil nanodroplets. Gelatine was used to form the substance into a gel and increase its stability. The resulting nanoparticles had the same spherical shape and a similar size. Therefore, the varying amounts of gelatin do not affect the particle size. However, viscoelastic properties of gels were found to be changed. The ability of the gel for dentine tubule occlusion was investigated using SEM techniques. After 1 day, it was found that the gels can occlude dentine tubules.
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