Simulated X-Ray Radiographic Performance of a Bismuth-Loaded PVT Array

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science(2020)

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Recent material advancements in organic plastic scintillators enable marked increases in material detection efficiency, light yield, and pulse shape discrimination properties. These advances may resolve significant capability gaps for lowcost, portable, and durable dual-particle imaging (DPI) systems for nuclear safety, security, and safeguard purposes. One such material, a 21% bismuth-loaded polyvinyl toluene (BiPVT), is computationally evaluated as a small, pixelated radiographic array using Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) and Zemax OpticStudio, and it is compared to identical evaluations of EJ-200 and EJ-256 arrays. MCNP software enables estimates of particle interaction and energy deposition, while OpticStudio computes optical light transport within each material. Computational estimates of spatial resolution and relative light collection at 370 kVp are found to agree with experimental results for both EJ-200 and EJ-256 arrays, thereby validating predictions of the same for the BiPVT array. As such, for equivalent exposures at 370 kVp, a BiPVT array may provide ~20x the light collection expected from EJ-200 and~10x that expected from EJ-256. Similar comparisons of estimated light collection are also computed at 150 and 270 kVp, and these results suggest that BiPVT will provide significantly improved performance over EJ-200 and EJ-256 across all energies practical for portable X-ray radiography.
Dual-particle imaging (DPI),high-Z loaded plastics,Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP),OpticStudio,radiography,X-ray imaging
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