PDKSAP : Perfected Double-Key Stealth Address Protocol without Temporary Key Leakage in Blockchain

2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC Workshops)(2020)

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The stealth address protocol is to create a one-time temporary output address of a transaction, hide its real output address, destroy the association between the input address and the real output address to achieve privacy protection for user identities in the transaction. However, the widely used double-key stealth address protocol (DKSAP) requires the sender to transmit the temporary public key along with the transaction, which enables attackers to easily identify stealth and non-stealth transactions and can lead to the loss of some private information. We propose a double-key stealth address protocol without temporary key leakage -- PDKSAP by which senders and receivers maintain local transaction record databases to record the number of transactions with other users. Senders and receivers generate a temporary key pair for a transaction based on the number of transactions between them, which prevent leaking the transaction temporary key. Finally, we verify the protocol through experiments.
Blockchain,Privacy protection,Stealth address protocol,Elliptic curve cryptography
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